
There are lessons to learn.”

A comment often heard after a serious misjudgement or an inquiry.

What happens next? Often not much until there is another mistake, misjudgement or miscarriage of justice.

Changing the sentence from “There are lessons to learn” to “We have lessons to learn, practice to implement” gives a different quality message and commitment.

Competent leadership is about taking action. Initiating, motivating and carrying through change which is about creating commitment, courage and qualitative improvement in attitude, knowledge and practice. Taking action is about deliverable strategy and tactics that translate into measurable outcomes and sustainable change. It sounds obvious and straight forward. Why is it then that a majority of change initiatives and programmes are not completed, not achieved or sustained? How can we make a difference and what does it take?

To begin with, by making sure there is clarity about reasons, expectations and benefits of change.
In simple language, motivating tone, trustworthy presentation and behaviour demonstrate you believe in both the objective for and competence to carry through the proposed initiative for change and innovation.

  • Encourage dialogue, shared experience, ideas and knowledge while keeping focus on the expected end result.
  • Making sure there is a balance between all players, to be seen, to be heard, feeling respected and part of the action according to role and responsibility.
  • Making sure there is a path, as clear as possible from beginning to expected outcome with timely, meaningful, measurable steps for all involved.
  • Keeping the purpose for action and vision of change alive and well in all initiatives, conversations and decisions made together and individually so that the end result will fulfil the promise set out at the beginning.
  • Demonstrate not only in words but in action.

“I believe in change because I believe in you.” Barack Obama, State of the Union address 2016.

Then change will happen and people will be prepared to follow and change again with all their might.

About the Author:
Founder and owner of Katrin Andersson Limited

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